Friday, November 23, 2007


Boy - do I like Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin pie! I even liked the scalloped oysters! My brother made them this year and did a wonderful job! Thanksgiving was a very nice day. We listened to our "Thanksgiving" CD on the way to my brothers and the The Muppets and John Denver Christmas CD on the way home. We watched some old home movies, some took naps, & marveled at my sister-in-laws new oven - which included a "warming oven"! Wow - that made things alot easier.

My sister brought a diary that was our grandmothers. We never met her because she died in childbirth when my mom was 3 yrs. old. But for one year (1917) we have a glimpse into her life. I don't know if she kept a diary for any other years - it seems like she should have because she was so faithful for this one. I think she has written something for every day. It is the year before she married Grandpa. I think when the new year starts - I will work her diary into my blog. It is so neat to have something of hers.

So - now that I am thankful for all the wonderfull things in my life .... I need to start my lists for the Christmas Holidays! I know I have two cookie exchanges, cards (home made ??) decorating, shopping and a 2 day trip to a water park to plan for in the next month. I want to do it all and have time to sit in front of the fire and enjoy the season.

Till next time - C.

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