Friday, June 27, 2008

It's Fair Time!

The County Fair starts on Sunday! The boys will take the goats and the remote-controlled car project and head for the fair! G. and his cousin J. want to stay all night one night - that ought to be interesting! Alot of people don't have any fond memories of county fairs - but growing up on the farm and being in 4-H for 9 years - the county fair was something you looked forward to every year. I took cooking and sewing and my horse. My dad would give me $5.00 a day - even though I told him $1.00 would do, he always gave me $5.00! Sometimes I would save it up all week and on the last day of the fair I would splurge on the junk food and rides!

The last couple of years I have taken G. into the fair early in the morning to feed his rabbits or goats and we always get a breakfast sandwich and sit on a bench and eat and enjoy the early morning! Last year I took Mom to watch G. show his goat and he won Jr. Showmanship! Mom was so happy! Can't wait for the fun to start!

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