Friday, February 29, 2008

Nixon - Clinton??

President Clinton is in Marion today to help campaign for his wife for President. Needless to say - I did not go. Well, Sara said we could go and then run to the cemetery and watch mom turn over. ---- Anyway, it brought back memories of Mom coming to school many years ago and getting me and taking me downtown to see Richard Nixon stop on his train ride thru Marion and give a campaign speech. We were in the Penny's parking lot (now the county office building) and I can't remember a single thing he said but I think I was the only kid taken out of school that day to go. It was history in the making, you know!!!

All of this campaign stuff also brings back the year we (Jim, Sara, mom and I) went to DC to visit Pat and Debbie over Thanksgiving. We had such a great time but it was the season of the hanging chads and mom was fired up over that.

But - now to catch up with Paul and Dorothy and see what they are going to do for the weekend:
Wednesday, Feb. 28, 1917:
Ferdinand - unmanagable today in school. I wish school was out. Got home early but could not do much. Finished reading "The Heart of the Dessert".
Went to bed early.

Thursday, March 1, 1917:
Cold but spring like. Felt well all day till tonight. Edna Mitchell called. Paul called over phone & I told him not to come tomorrow. He seemed angry. O I wish I had not told him. I want him so badly.

Friday, March 2, 1917:
My blue day for I am worrying about Paul. I must see him.
Had exams at school today & am not sorry they are over. Teachers meeting tonight & I had to ask Paul to meet me.
A wonderful evening & everything is alright. I know he hates me to take that old exam tomorrow.

Saturday, March 3, 1917:
Teacher's exam in Business College. Arogul Riegel said he thought I was not going to teach.
O Paul - if you only knew what worries you are causing me not knowing our plans.
Paul called about 5, after I got home.

Sunday, March 4, 1917:
Snowy day, regular blizzard this evening.
Jack brought Smut home. Drove with Bill to Geddis & back in awful snowstorm.
Paul came & we spent a quiet evening for once.
I wish he would never never go away from me.

1 comment:

Leigh Ann said...

What a hoot! Grandma, Clinton, Sara!! Then the teacher wishing school were out in February! You know it's not your best year when that happens. Ferd must've been a piece of work!